Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Being thankful

Today I would like to discuss the importance of being thankful of what you have regardless of what is going on in your life. I have learned that when a person is thankful for the little things in life, then the big things will surely follow. I have spoken to some people who have been through many trials and tribulations and they feel that they shouldn't be thankful because of some bad things that have happened to them, but if we only dwell on the negative and never focus on the positive, then we will be forever miserable. There is always a bright side. If you have little money because you may not have a job, then focus on the things that you do have instead. If you had to go to a shelter to receive help, then be thankful that that shelter was there to help you. Be thankful that you are able to get up to see another day and that you have an opportunity to change things if you want, instead of loathing. I hear stories from people who have had hard times, but God has pulled them through. When you are thankful and ask God for help, then you will receive help. Do not give up. Be patient and believe. God will see you through.