Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Be helpful to all

Today, I’d like to discuss the importance of helping people regardless of a
person’s race or faith. I feel I have to discuss this because I have seen many
people that feel that they should only help people who may look similar to them
or who may share their religious belief. I feel that it is very important that
we help all kinds of people regardless of a person’s race or faith.
If God has blessed you with many possessions, then you should find it in your heart to
help people who are less fortunate and not just people who look like you or who
have the same religious belief, but all kinds of people.

If you happen to see a person on the streets with torn clothes or no place
to stay, it is not right to say, “I would only help this person if that person
was of my race or if this person would share my religious belief.” That’s not
right. If you see a person in need, then you should help regardless and that
actually shows the true character in a person.
In fact in Matthew 5:46-47, Jesus said “If you love only those who loves you, then what reward have you? Do not the tax collectors do the same?” And if you greet your brethren only, what
do you more than others? Do not the tax collectors do so?” During these times,
the tax collectors were people who preyed on poor, innocent people, so if a
person feels they should only help people
of their own and no one else, then
what help are you really?