Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

This is a very special day to give thanks for all that you have. This is one of my favorite days because there is no material gifts that a person is obligated to give, it is just a nice time to spend with family and friends and to be thankful for what you have and to eat and share good food.

I have heard some people say that Thanksgiving is not a day people should celebrate because some say it is a day that the land was taken from our Native American ancestors. However, I feel it is good to give thanks and to be positive and to be thankful that we are still here regardless of many bad things that has happened in the past. We should be thankful that we are still thriving and doing good works in this world.

Each culture from across the globe has a very special day where we all come together and give thanks for what we have and our Native American ancestors has always put a special day aside to gather with friends and families and to give thanks and this is good day to do just that.

Also while you are celebrating this wonderful and special day, be sure to remember the less fortunate and give what you can to help others in need.

Thank you and have a very great Happy Thanksgiving everyone!