Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy MLK Day

Today, January 20, 2014 is the holiday in where we celebrate the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King was a very peaceful man who used the non-violence approach to fight discrimination that was happening to African Americans and other people of color in this country. He stood up for the common man and actually sacrificed his life in order for us to have a better life on earth.

     Today, we should all remember Dr. King and the sacrifice he has made for us. We all should try to be a more peaceful person. This country has gotten much better than how it used to be. For example, we no longer have those racist "For White Only" and "For Colored Only" signs that they had in restaurants, schools, buses, etc in this country over 40 years ago. However, this country is not perfect and there are
still some racist, nasty people out there who want to hurt other people simply because they maybe from another race or religion or culture. It is sad that there is still some left over racist idiots out there that want to hurt other people.

 The best you can do is to pray that God makes everything better and to do your part to be the best person you can be. If you happen to experience a person who maybe acting ignorant towards you, do not show ignorance in return. Show them that they are stupid and be the bigger person and show kindness instead. God will bless you for your good deeds and curse them for their evil deeds.  Don't let the wickedness get to you and make you upset. Continue on God's righteous path. Ask God on exactly what is the best thing to do and God will guide you.